Laboratory and measuring equipment



Laboratory and measuring equipment

  • Laboratory equipment, materials and chemical reagents: Instruments, materials and chemicals used in laboratory analysis and experiments.
  • Recording sensors: Devices that measure and record variables such as temperature, pressure, flow, etc.
  • Lids for pressure vessels: Safety components to contain substances under high pressure.



Equipment and systems for industrial processes

  • Supply of electric and pneumatic chemical dosing pumps, low and high pressure: Relating to the precise dosing of chemicals in industrial processes.
  • Piping, single seat and low flow valves. Three-way valves, high performance valves, high performance butterfly valves, gate valves, check valves, globe valves: Essential components for fluid control in industrial systems.
  • Electric, hydraulic, portable, remote valve actuators: Devices that actuate valves to control the flow of fluids.
  • Heat exchangers: Equipment used to transfer heat between two fluids.
  • Lubrication equipment and systems: Systems that supply machinery with lubricant to reduce friction and wear.
  • Pipeline cleaning equipment: Specialised tools and equipment for internal cleaning of pipelines.


Equipment and systems for industrial processes



Safety and security equipment_1


Safety and security equipment

  • Fire detectors: Devices that detect the presence of fire and activate alarm or extinguishing systems.
  • Self-contained air equipment fire engines: Personal protective equipment and vehicles used in firefighting.
  • Gas detectors using portable equipment: Equipment that detects the presence of toxic or flammable gases in the environment.
  • Lighting towers led interlocks for valves: Portable lighting equipment and safety systems for valves.
  • Oil spill clean-up equipment: Specialised equipment for the containment and clean-up of hydrocarbon spills.